Health, Safety & Environment (HSE)
Xanderon Engineering Limited realizes that our most valuable resources is our people and nothing has greater importance than their health and safety. Additionally, we understand our place as a corporate leader in maintaining a standard of excellence in caring for our environment. It is XEL policy to comply with all applicable occupational health, safety and environmental laws and regulations.Furthermore, it is Company policy to conduct our business in a manner that protected the health and safety of our personnel, others involved in our operations, customers and the general public within the communities in which
we operate. This policy ensures that we are dedicated to continuous efforts to improve our Health, Safety and Environmental performance throughout our operations. In addition, XEL expects that each employee will have this same level of commitment to Health, Safety and Environment excellence.
XEL will manage its operations in such a way as to achieve the following:
Recognize HSE management as a line responsibility
Maintain relationship with the host communities.
Believe that every job can be done safely.
Recognize that no activity shall be carried out unless considered safe.
Complete projects earlier than client's estimated schedule with all HSE considerations in place.
Minimize the impact of its operation on the environment.
Preserve the health, safety and security of employees and of members of the public who may be affected by its
Maintain sensitivity to the needs and concerns of the host communities around its operational areasThe company’s effort to prevent all incidents, injuries, occupational illness and environmental contamination requires each person’s involvement.
It is XEL commitment to ensure that all personnel involved in our operations understand their role in the Company’s efforts to provide a safe and environmentally friendly workspace. As part of our commitment, XEL will provide or ensure that all personnel have the appropriate Health, Safety, and environmental training to make certain that hazards are recognized, addressed and that appropriate Safe operating procedures are used.

It is the policy of XEL to enhance relationship between company and host communities: with an aim to ultimately reduce operating costs and shutdown arising from unhealthy company-community relationship. To achieve this XEL shall:
Prior to mobilization to any locality, pay visit to the host community chiefs, leaders and youths, in order to determine requirements of the community and subsequently agree with the community on issues discussed.
Engage a seasoned community relations officer who shall liaise between the community and company on matters such as youth empowerment / employment of indigenous workers etc.
Through the community affairs department, implement the company's community relations plan.
Manage Community affairs as an integral part of the company's business with a view to maintaining good relationship between the company and her host communities.
Co-operate with the client and third parties to avoid unnecessary delays, shut down and of course unwarranted loss of man-hour.
Report any community disturbance / emergencies or threat to the client without delay.
XEL will manage its operations in such a way as to achieve the following:

It is XEL commitment to ensure that all personnel involved in our operations understand their role in the Company’s efforts to provide a safe and environmentally friendly workspace. As part of our commitment, XEL will provide or ensure that all personnel have the appropriate Health, Safety, and environmental training to make certain that hazards are recognized, addressed and that appropriate Safe operating procedures are used.
Our Community

It is the policy of XEL to enhance relationship between company and host communities: with an aim to ultimately reduce operating costs and shutdown arising from unhealthy company-community relationship. To achieve this XEL shall:

Community Affairs, Security, Health & Safety (CASHES POLICY)
It is the policy of XEL to conduct its operations in a safe manner, to ensure good health of its personnel, secured environment and being sensitive to the needs and concerns of the communities around its area of operation. XEL manages its operation in such a way as to achieve the following:
Maintain relationship with the host communities. Believe that every job can be done safely.
Recognize that no activity shall be carried out unless considered safe.
Minimize the impact of its operation on the environment.
Maintain sensitivity to the needs and concerns of the host communities around its operational areas.
Recognize community affairs and security management as a line responsibility.
Complete Emergency Pipeline Repairs System (EPRS) with all HSE considerations in place
Carry out all Emergency Pipeline Repairs (EPR) safely and without any additional impact on the environment.
The employees of the company must plan and perform their work in accordance with this policy. An activity that in the opinion of the employee cannot be carried out in accordance with the policy must be suspended and reported immediately to the relevant supervisor.

The employees of the company must plan and perform their work in accordance with this policy. An activity that in the opinion of the employee cannot be carried out in accordance with the policy must be suspended and reported immediately to the relevant supervisor.